Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This month I will be turning 40 (April 18th to be exact so you still have time to buy me a gift). In honor of this momentous occasion, I have decided to enter the blog-o-sphere. I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life and what exciting things are in store....some of which I will be posting here. I say farewell to my 30's, here are some of the highlights of the past decade:
  • Going to Disney World for the first time (and 2 other times since then)...It really is The Happiest Place on Earth
  • Marrying Mark...the most kind and wonderful husband a girl could ask for
  • Buying my first house (and second house with Mark)
  • Trips to NYC, Vermont, DC, Tennessee, Colorado, Pennsylvania and other exciting places
  • HDTV (this may be the best invention ever...although my excitement over this may be the fact that we just purchased one and it is AWESOME!)
  • Losing 90 pounds (we ignore the fact that about 50 lbs of that is back thanks to wedded bliss and pregnancy...hoping the 40's see the loss of those 50 lbs)
  • Getting completely out of debt
  • The arrival of my beautiful baby girl, Anna Mikaela Osterhout
So 30's, it's been a great decade, but I must bid you adieu! To the 40's, I say "BRING IT!!"

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging....a great adieu to the 30's and you forgot to mention 'made New Friend Heather at breastmilk camp" *giggle*
