Monday, January 31, 2011

Good-Bye January

I cannot believe that it is the end of January already! What is even harder to believe is that I will have a 2 year old in 8 days. It seems like just yesterday that she was born. We are having her birthday party this weekend. It is going to be a pretty laid back lunch with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme. She likes that TV show on Disney Channel and I have a "few" Mickey Mouse things lying around the house so it made sense. :-)

I am excited that I have done pretty well on my goals for 2011. I have 8 big goals and I would say that I was successful at meeting or working toward 6 out of 8 of them in the month of January. I think that is a good success rate and feel pretty good about that.

I am particularly proud of the fact that I have met my exercise goals for the month of January. This is a hard one for me because as I posted before I would rather be kicked in the head than exercise (well maybe not that extreme, but pretty close.) :-) I finally beat Mark last week at the number of minutes. He has been winning because of all the shoveling of snow that has had to be done in January (which we count as exercise.) I think he will probably win this week if we get the major snowstorm that is being predicted. However, I am OK if he wins because exercising is bad enough without being freezing cold on top of it. :-)

The two goals that I need to focus on in February since I didn't do too well in January are memorizing 2 verses of scripture per month and fitting into a pair a pre-pregnancy pants. Since the memorizing of the Bible verses is a Beth Moore idea, I probably should be surprised that it is one of the areas with which I am struggling. I have never finished anything Beth Moore. I have no problem with Beth Moore...just must have a Beth Moore block when it comes to finishing things. :-) The Bible passage that I chose at the beginning of January is about 5 verses long and is kind of complicated. I think I will start February with a passage that is one verse long.

As far as the pre-pregnancy pants, I think I have lost about 2 lbs in the month of January. At that rate, I will be able to fit into those pants in about 4 years. I would like to make it happen before that. :-) I think I do a decent job at eating healthy meals, it is just all the other stuff that I eat. Sugar and carbs are my best friends and my nemesis at the same time. I love those girl scouts and their delicious cookies, but that didn't help me work toward this goal this month either. :-)

Hello February! Here's to a fantastic month!

1 comment:

  1. one thing i've found that works with exercise motivation is not letting myself enter emotion into the "should i exercise" equation. "i don't feel like it" isn't an option. putting it off until tomorrow isn't an option. it's like eating or brushing my teeth...they are not optional parts of my day/week!
