Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Randomness

It's Friday! WOO-HOO!!! Here are the random things in my mind this snowy Friday afternoon:

  • I met my exercise goal for this week and still have a day and half left. Mark has met his as well so no negative consequences for either one of us. We have to wait until tomorrow evening to determine who has exercised the most minutes during this week and see who wins the coveted sleep-in day. Right now, I am in the lead..but only by 10 minutes so one brisk snow shoveling trip outside and Mark would beat me. Maybe I will offer to do the shoveling when Mark gets home tonight. :-)
  • Anna is going to be 2 in a month. I can hardly believe it. We are planning for her birthday party. We decided to do a Mickey Mouse theme since she loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse TV show. Since I already have entirely too much Mickey Mouse stuff, it seemed like a no-brainer.
  • I am so rooting for this Ted Williams guy to make it (the homeless man with the golden voice.) He has such a compelling story and I want things to work out for him. I hope he has a great support system around him to help him navigate all this fame and not turn to drugs and alcohol again.
  • Anna peed in the potty last night for the first time. I never though 2 grown adults would be so excited about urine, but it was ridiculous in how we responded. I honestly don't think that she is really ready to be completely potty trained based upon what I have read about potty training readiness, but it was still pretty exciting to hear the music coming from her princess potty. Although, it was plain creepy when I heard the music coming from the same potty while I was taking a shower and Anna was in her crib napping earlier today. :-) Maybe the cat snuck in and used it. :-)
  • On a sad note, we found out that one of our neighbors passed away. We didn't know him well but had several conversations with him as he tended his garden in the backyard of the vacant house next door during the summer. We have never met his wife and are wondering what it is that we could do to be good neighbors to this woman who we haven't met who just lost her husband. More than anything, it was a reminder that we need to make a conscious effort to get to know our neighbors.

There you have it...some of my random thoughts for today! Have a great weekend!!

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