Friday, March 16, 2012

March Madness

How is it already March 16? Time sure flies. Sorry I haven't been posting much lately (or at all.) I have a few blog posts brewing in my head of a more serious nature that will come out at some point. In the meantime, here are few of the random things floating around in the world of Amy 4.0:

*I LOVE watching March Madness and filling out a bracket. The odd thing is that I don't really pay attention much to college basketball until the tournament starts. I think it has to do with my OCD brain liking to fill in the bracket. :-) I am hoping that a Big 10 team wins it all...especially if it is my Boilermakers (which I can write because at the moment they are ahead at the half of their first game.) Boiler UP!!

*What is up with this weather? 80 degrees in March...I LOVE spring, but not sure I am ready for it to feel like July just yet.

*I REALLY want to go to Disney World! I think I go to the Disney Parks Website at least 3 or 4 times a week looking for deals and packages. Right now, it is just wishful thinking...but my birthday is in a month so if anyone wants to surprise me with a trip I would be happy to receive it. :-)

*Speaking of Birthdays, I am turning 42 in April. Not sure why, but I am dreading 42 more than other birthdays.

*Anna has NO interest in potty training. I hope that she isn't still in Pull-Ups when she goes to college. :-)

*I am getting excited for Easter at Living Stones Church. We are using some Science experiments and demonstrations to tell the Easter Story in Kids Kanyon. As long as I don't blow up the church, it will be great. :-) We are also starting a series called "The Walking Dead" for the adults. I got a call today about being a zombie in a video we are using for that series. I am strangely excited to be a zombie....if we film early in the morning I probably won't even have to do much acting. :-)

Guess that it is it for now! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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